One of the important problems faced by the students are heavy schoolbags. Schoolbags are overfilled with all kinds of textbooks, notebooks and school supplies. As a result, children are forced to carry satchels which often reach a weight of several kilograms. Doctors warn that this is very dangerous for young organisms and can lead to serious spine disorders. We can prevent this by equipping schools with school lockers. Thus, we create the right conditions for the proper development and education of our children.

Szafki szkolone z nadrukiem
Szafki Szkolne
School lockers with prints

Graffiti on school hallway? Why not!

Not every school can afford to put a graffiti in the corridor. With Yocco lockers it is possible!

You will revive any school interior – you can choose from hundreds of graphic themes: from the peaks of Kilimanjaro, through comic book figures to the Solar System planets.

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Product catalog
See what we do

Our realizations

We have made school lockers for thousands of schools throughout Europe. We present selected projects that will best demonstrate the high quality of our products and their aesthetic and functional values, as well as arrangement methods.